Universal Peace Federation, Ukraine

Challenges of the 21th century

On November 17, 2021, the Universal Peace Federation in Ukraine (UPF) held an interactive lesson "Peace School" in an online format on the ZOOM platform on the topic: "Challenges of the 21st century".

It was attended by students and teachers from different cities of Ukraine. In total, there were more than 40 connections. At the meeting, participants shared the challenges and opportunities they see in the modern world and in their daily lives. The greatest challenge for today's youth is to challenge themselves. Therefore, participants were given homework to find something to challenge themselves, namely: to discipline themselves, exercise, learn, consult and think about others.





  1. To strive for development: not to stick to old concepts (not to be "in the middle", not to wait when they say, not to expect changes only from the government, to be an example for others)
  2. Constantly learn: search for people from whom you can learn, and especially people who are successful in spiritual development, family and intellectual. Do not be fooled
  3. To be unchanging: to adhere to absolute moral values ​​"No matter how the world changes - the essence of human life never changes", Eastern philosophy
  4. Discipline: sports, exercise, go to bed early to rest - get up early. Online discipline: control yourself so that social networks do not become the meaning of life
  5. Support the environment through your own example

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